3 Best Value-For-Money Cars You Can Buy In 2014


Investing money in a car is a smart decision only if it is worth it in the long run. With fuel prices increasing each day and prices of the cars too, getting the best buy in the car is difficult. Here are some value-for-money cars you should definitely know about if you are planning to buy a car soon enough.

1. Maruti Suzuki Wagon R 1.0:

It’s the second largest selling car of Maruti in India with Petrol, CNG and LPG option. The Wagon R is priced between the range of Rs 3.36 lakh and Rs 4.45 lakh. The car offers a mileage of 14.2 kmpl in the city and 18.9 kmpl on the highways. The HVAC (heating, ventilation and cooling) design of Wagon R improves the air conditioning and it also offers comfortable seats that provide ample of space for the driver, which prevents any problems in long driving.


2. Maruti Alto 800 LXI (Airbag):

On the second position, Maruti Alto 800 LXI is again a good deal. Though it’s a small car, it is different from its other previous models and is even more spacious! The company claims that the car can deliver a mileage of 22.74 kmpl, which is about 15 per cent more than the previous version of Maruti Alto and is priced at Rs. 3.09 Lakhs.

3. Hyundai EON Sportz:

The New Hyundai EON Sportz is the petrol version of the style variant of the new Hyundai EON and is the lowest priced car by country’s second largest car manufacturer at Rs. 4.02 Lakhs. The engine can easily attain a top speed in the range of 130 to 135 kmph, with an acceleration of 0 – 100 kmph in about 21.1 seconds, which is quite good. It gives a mileage of 21.1 kmpl, which is really something in comparison to other models like Alto and Spark.

I hope this small list helps you in buying your small value-for-money car this year!

– Saloni Tolia.


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Smita Singh


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