3 Fast Food Lanes in Mumbai


Mumbai is known for its distinct colour ,liveliness and food . With the fast life,locals to be caught,commuters catch a quick bite at roadside stalls,which have slowly become the livelihood of India’s financial capital . Street Food in Mumbai is relatively inexpensive as compared to restaurants and vendors . The stalls tend to be clustered around crowded areas such as colleges and railway stations . Here are 3 Khau Galli’s ,which literally translates to Street Food or Food Lane.

1. Churchgate –Right outside this iconic station ,is a Khau Galli ,catering to the office going public ,working in the area . It caters to college going students as well .It has Dabeli( ingredients being Potatoes,masala and a burger bun ).IMG_5908


2. Fort – This is located near Cross Maidan. Provides Pav Bhaji,Soda,Chinese to teenagers who practice all day long on the harrowing maidans of Mumbai . Many fast food centres here are over 30 years old .IMG_5916


  1. Girgaum Chowpatty – Located outside Charni road station,Girgaum Chowpatty’s speciality is the gola ,which comes in various flavours . The pav bhaji,with various shops shouting out their menu ,is quite a treat here .6-660x471


-Shlomoh Divekar

Fast food available at cheap prices,with aesthetic views is going on a guilt trip everyday . There are many more Khau Galli’s in Mumbai,but these three take the pav bhaji,and vada pav and everything else !.


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