3 idiots


3 idiots

It was a rainy day and my socks were too lazy to get dry so then I had to just pull back my shoes tug in the books and move for the school. As I was already late and I could imagine tejashvi scolding me and tanvi. Although daily I and teja would be in that role, I reached near the corner and saw teja from distance “Is this the time to come” she shouted. I am sorry ge I replied …… then we were waiting for the great tanvis arrival..hey you both come here we heard a voice,tanvi was standing there and calling us out ….finally I heard teja mumbling ……ok my fault tanvi declared as if this was going to save her from the taunts that teja was about to throw at her ….but today it was my turn …. Nowadays people don’t even have the manners of wearing socks ….. tanvi just saw down her own leg to check and then she realized it was me …… hmmmmmm ….. array the socks didn’t dry ….so are we fools to wear them how come our socks dry up … I didn’t reply.. I was too sleepy …. Arrey leave it na tanvi just registered her dialogue for finishing the matter.

In school, the same value education in which we chatted , history chatted , science was interesting , math had to concentrate , marathi was nice until teacher starts giving question answers, geography boring when told to read and finally physical training. In rainy days, when the ground would be wet pt would mean again sitting in the class and chatting but today the sir concerned wanted to check our tidiness ….. oops I realized that I was going to spend rest of the lectures outside the class for not wearing my socks…….. and then no miracle happened for which I was praying for and I was thrown out of the class…… it was shameful as now whole school knew that I wasn’t wearing my shocks , I was embarrassed and also missed sitting inside and playing our small games like name, place….. Hollywood bollywood also the gossip ….. moreover we had two lectures although sir would have allowed me in the class after the first lecture but it was really boring as our class was in front of the washroom …..

And two of my dearest friends’ teja and tanu came out ….
Hey don’t be startled teja told me angrily we didn’t want you to have all the fun
Yes tanvi added I guess you knew that sir is going to kick you out of the class that’s why you came without socks
By the way you know what poonam did teja asked tanvi ….. No no tanvi gave a prompt reply tell na please
Whatever they might say I know they came out only for me ……. 🙂

Rupali Bapat

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