3 Mouthwatering Nachos You Will Totally Fall in Love With!


I am always searching for some amazing mouthwatering tempting nacho recipes. After a lot of hardwork and efforts, I came across these completely awesome and delicious nacho recipes. If you too are a nachos lover, have a look at these yummy recipes.

  1. Taterchos:

1 nachos


Salt and pepper

Cheese sauce

6 tomatoes
4 garlic cloves
4 ounces chorizo, finely diced

4 thinly sliced scallions

2 quarts oil
2 cups fresh cilantro leaves

1 small onion, peeled and cut in half
1 jalapeno, cut in half
1 tablespoon lime juice
1 package tater tots
1 finely diced red onion


Preheat the broiler to high heat. Chop one tomato and season with salt and pepper. Drain the tomato and set aside. Cut the remaining tomatoes in half and pile on a baking sheet. Top with the garlic, onion and jalapeno. Broil 25 minutes, then transfer to the blender and add 1 ½ cups cilantro and the lime juice. Blend until smooth, season with salt and pepper and set aside. Cook the chorizo for about 4 minutes, or until browned. Drain. Heat the oil and fry the tater tots, seasoning with salt when cooked. Place half the tots on a platter and top with half the salsa, cheese, chorizo, tomatoes, onions, scallions and remaining cilantro. Top with another layer and serve.

  1.  Potato Chip Nachos:

2 nachos


1 ounce kettle cooked potato chips

1 tablespoon chopped green onions
1 tablespoon sour cream
½ cup shredded cheddar cheese
2 chopped cherry tomatoes


Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Place the chips in a baking dish and bake about 3 minutes. Cover with cheese and bake an additional 3 to 5 minutes, or until cheese melts. Top with tomatoes, green onion and sour cream.

  1. Veggie Nachos:

3 nachos


8 cups tortilla chips

3 cups shredded Jack cheese
Sautéed sliced bell pepper
Cooked zucchini
Cooked mushrooms
Red onion
Sour cream


Bake the nachos topped with the bell pepper, zucchini, mushrooms, onion and cheese until hot and cheese melts. Top with salsa and sour cream to serve.

 – Saloni Tolia

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