3 Proven Ways “Music” Can Improve Your Health


Music is something if it’s good and true touches your soul. I feel there no one in the world who doesn’t like to listen to good music. There’s is no doubt that listening to your favourite music can instantly put you in a good mood. Scientists are now discovering that music can do much more than just lift your spirits and it proving to have lot of health benefits as well.

A recent research from a university in Austria has found that listening to music can help patients with Chronic back pain isn’t that sounds amazing!! And also a recent survey by a mental health charity found that after counselling, patients found group therapy such as art and music therapy, the most useful.

The following are the proven ways that music helps you and your family’s health

1) Chronic back pain – Music works on the autonomic nervous system- the part of the nervous system responsible for controlling our blood pressure, heartbeat and brain function and also the limbic system- the part of the brain that controls feeling. Both these systems react sensitively to music. When slow rhythms are played our blood pressure and heartbeat slows down reducing muscle tension thus reducing pain in neck, shoulders, stomach and back.


2) Memory loss – how it helps: Music can help in remembering tunes or songs and in touch with the history. This is because the part of the brain which processes music is located next to memory. When it comes to students while learning difficult answers one can frame the answer in a specific tune which the student is familiar with and memorize the answer as if he is singing a song.


3) Improves your workout – Experts say that listening to music during exercise can give you a better workout in several ways. It increases your endurance and boosts your mood and can distract you from any discomfort experienced during workout. And this we all know that having good muscles and a fit body is a must in today’s time especially for the youth.


– By Burhan Fatehi


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