3 Super Stylish Hair Styles To Die For This Fresher’s Party!



Your Fresher’s party is one of the most thrilling and fun events in your college life.Its a chance to make new friends and many new and exciting things await themselves. I’m sure you’ll all want to venture  new,trendy makeup styles and hairstyles.Here are 3 hairstyles which are perfect for your Fresher’s party:-

1. Braided wavy hair

 braided wavy hair

This hairstyle is suitable if you have bangs and want to get rid of it for the party. You can start by tonging section by section all over your hair. Now start by braiding the front section of the hair near the hairline going backwards. The idea is to get an almost horizontal braid from the front going towards the back. Clip it close to the scalp and hide the clip with loose hair. The end will be a gorgeous look with beautiful curls.

2. Half down hair with waves

 half down hair with braids

Wavy hair is great for this hairstyle but in case you have straight hair just tong random sections to get a slight wavy effect. Now sticking to your natural parting create some height at the crown by backcombing slightly and push the hair forward fixing them with bobby pins. Grab a thick section on the opposite side of your bangs and twist it. Pin this section away from the face at the back of the head as shown in the picture. Use shine serum to get a glossy look.

3. Messy Chignon ponytail

 messy pony

This is a new hairstyle where the front is slicked back into a bun which transcends into a ponytail. To achieve this look, all you need to do is pull your hair into a ponytail. Tease the ponytail to give it volume. Create 2-4 sections of your teased hair and tie separate knots in each of these sections, at the back of the head, leaving the rest of the hair as it is. Stick pins to make all the knots look like a bun. To make it look prettier, accessorize with a clip as shown in the picture.

Tip: You can use as many accessories in your hairstyle to make it fun, flirty and preppy. Eg: scarves, colorful pins, headband bows, ribbons etc.


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Riya Lokhande


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