3 Ways To Keep Yourself Motivated



At times, when you start your business you really don’t know what are you doing. That can just disrupt the whole morale of the team as well as self-motivation. Motivation comes from within and for it is must for entrepreneurs. It can lead you from where you are now to where you want to go. There may be lot’s of big no’s, people sniggering at your business idea. Knowing that almost 90% of the first-time startups fail can be traumatic for you but cool down, and keep yourself motivated by these 3 ways:

1- Reach out to friends and colleagues.


Be with people who make you feel good. Try discussing your problems with your close friends as to what is really demotivating you. When you hit a rough patch your first inclination may be to keep your head down until everything is sorted out. Talk to your co-founder, peers or advisors and engage with others.

2- Take a break.

take a break

Some people think that by working too hard they will achieve big goals. However, that may not be fruitful every time. Sometimes you need to give yourself a break. Go out with friends, watch a movie, spend quality time with your girlfriend. Get yourself recharged and look for new opportunities.

3- Revise your to-do list.

step by step progress

After you recharged it’s time to get back your head into the game. Revise your to-do list properly. Seek for small victories. As small victories will lead you to big goals. For eg, may be you are not getting a national partnership, try to look for a local one. Or your big goal is to achieve 5 new clients this week, Thats good. But prepare for getting atleast one client on board today!

Staying positive and doing what is right will benefit you in the long run. You don’t have to stress too much or try to get more than what you have. Stay calm and get that motivation juice flowing! 😉

-Vatsal Doshi

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I'm a guy who loves to learn as long as I like it. Else than that, I like to blog, play games, listen to music and make new friends. Passionate about football. My motto- "Spread happiness as it's free of cost!" :)


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