30 Amazing ‘Mumbai Monsoon’ Images, Photos, Pictures You’d Love To Share On WhatsApp, Facebook


Mumbai monsoon season was expected to begin from 10th June 2015 but the pre-monsoon showers have already been observed in Santacruz, Thane and Kalyan areas on 7th June 2015. The pleasant breeze, scent of the parched earth, joy of evening walks in the rains, taste of crunchy pakoras, steamy cup of ‘chai’ and spirit of romantic songs on our favourite radio channel are all the incredible memories of Mumbai monsoons. The actual rainfall which will be more or less average is expected to be seen from 15th June this year. 

Things Mumbaikars love the most in Monsoon:

“A garam Vada-pav, some Kande Bhaji, fried Mirchi and Adrak Chai.. Bliss!!” – Vijay

“I like the fresh green colour during monsoon” – Neha


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