30 Awesome Beautiful ‘Women’s Friendship Day’ 21st September 2014 HD Images, Quotes, Wallpapers


1. A good friend is very Hard to find, very comfortable, supportive, holds you up when you are down & always close to the heart.

2. Can I stay here in ur inbox & wait till 5th Aug so I will be the 1st person to wish HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY?

3. Love is DOCOMO, do the new.

Marriage is IDEA, can change ur life.
Wife is HUTCH, where ever you go she follows.
But Friendship is AIRTEL, ek atut bandhan.

4. Every garden must have a rose, Every sweet face must have a smile, Every grass must have some dew & Every person in the world must have a friend like “YOU”. Happy Friendship Day!

5. A best friend is like a four leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have. Happy Friendship Day, BFF!!!

6. Crazy days and screwed up nights,

Tons of Crushes and stupid fights,
Secrets we will take to the grave,
Pictures we will forever save.
Through thick and thin,
Always true.
Friends forever,
Me n U!

7. Friendship is like a computer;

I ‘enter’ ur life,
‘save’ u in my heart,
‘format’ ur problems,
& never ‘delete’ u from my memory!
Happy Friendship Day.

8. If you need advice, text me… if you need a friend, call me … if you need me, come to me… if you need money…….. SUBSCRIBER CANNOT BE REACHED! Happy Friendship Day!

9. GOD is so wise, he didn’t create FRIENDS with price tags because if He did, I couldn’t afford YOU!!! Happy Friendship Day!

10. Friendships is like wine: it gets BETTER as it grows OLDER. Just like us… I get BETTER, U get OLDER 😉 Happy Friendship Day!

National Women's Friendship Day 01 National Women's Friendship Day 02 National Women's Friendship Day 03 National Women's Friendship Day 04 National Women's Friendship Day 05 National Women's Friendship Day 06 National Women's Friendship Day 07 National Women's Friendship Day 08 National Women's Friendship Day 09 National Women's Friendship Day 10 National Women's Friendship Day 11 National Women's Friendship Day 12 National Women's Friendship Day 13 National Women's Friendship Day 14 National Women's Friendship Day 15 National Women's Friendship Day 16 National Women's Friendship Day 17 National Women's Friendship Day 18 National Women's Friendship Day 19 National Women's Friendship Day 20 National Women's Friendship Day 21 National Women's Friendship Day 22 National Women's Friendship Day 23 National Women's Friendship Day 24 National Women's Friendship Day 25 National Women's Friendship Day 26 National Women's Friendship Day 27 National Women's Friendship Day 28 National Women's Friendship Day 29 National Women's Friendship Day 30

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