30 Superb Powerful Tips & Tricks Articles on Project Viva, Placement Interviews & Internships by BMS Alumni


Hello BMSites,

In the life of a BMS student, the third year project viva exams, campus placement, applying for internships and deciding on career options is a very valuable juncture. Every BMS student works really hard and waits for this stage. Since the last 4.5 years, we interacted with a lot of BMS students who always used to face problems when they came across these things in their BMS life apart from the University / Semester exams. Now the time has come wherein we take the opportunity to share the tips and tricks from the BMS Alumni of various colleges to help and guide the current and upcoming batches of BMS students all through the platform of BMS.co.in. We really hope that these tips prove to be really helpful at the time of your viva exam / interview selection / internship journey / career after BMS.



Project Viva Exam Tips by BMS Alumni:
Campus Placement Interview Tips by BMS Alumni:


Internship and Career Tips By BMS Alumni:






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