4 Cool Fashion Tips For Your Freshman Year Of College


Well….. Being fashionable is really good as it gives a person a lot of confidence. Like in today’s world it is very much necessary to look presentable. As it is said that “BEAUTY IS NOT ABOUT HOW YOU LOOK BUT IT’S ABOUT HOW YOU FEEL”. It is very much important to wear good clothes and present yourself very elegant. Always wear something in which you are very much comfortable.

It is very important to be yourself, make your own style which will make you feel pretty, smart, stylish and very much comfortable. There is no use of copying someone else’s style because there are things or clothes in which your friend is comfortable with but you are not.

Need to be careful about:-

Hairstyles For College students1-Back-to-School-Hair-Ideas

1. Hair.

Girls: Girls it’s very much necessary to keep your hair very presentable which will suit you a lot.

In college now a day’s making puff is in fashion you can open your hair and simply make a puff, or else you can make a puff and tie your hair.

You can do funky highlights on hair of different colours. Colours in fashion are red, golden, and blue, purple.

You can also use very funky hair accessories to look really cute. Like you can wear pretty hairbands, can also use clips etc.

Or simple open your hair, will also make you look elegant.


Boys: Boys can also colour their hair which will make them look smarter. The colours for boys are dark brown and whatever suits their skin tone.

You can do the different cuts like spice cut, spike cut, mowak, afro cut, bunches brad etc.



2. Face

college girl boy

The face should look very much pretty and confident.

Girls can apply kajal and eye liner to enhance their eyes, they can also use it of a different colour like blue, green, grey and brown. Can use lip gloss of different shades like strawberry, bubble gum and peach which will look cool, natural and will also enhance their looks. The face should always look fresh for that you can carry wet vibes to wipe it anytime and which will help to look fresh

Boys can make different styles of beards and make sure your face also looks fresh. For that you can even use some oil control creams.

3. Clothes

college fashion

The clothes you wear should be very tidy and presentable. Basically you should look very good in whatever you wear make sure that none of your body parts are being bulged out you should look very much fit and comfortable and it is all about the way you carry yourself matters a lot.

4. Footwear

college footwear

The footwear you wear should be classy and cool enough and which you are comfortable and can walk the whole day. It is said that the through the footwear one’s personality can be judged. So wear good footwear.

Be toned, be stylish, be cool as it’s your college life feel good and stay stylish and fashionable.




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Shritika Vardhan
hello..I am shritika a second year BMS student .


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