4 Gorgeous Makeup Trends That Every Woman Can Follow


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From rocking the runaways to becoming a favourite for the fashionistas, there are few beauty trends which never style to go out of style.It is time now to broaden your horizon about them and pull them off with swag.They are as follows:-

1) The Nude Look just killing it:-

Few things in this world are as underrated as the nude look. It’s dressy without leaving a trace of product, takes less than ten minutes to do and looks as natural as natural should be. While we definitely won’t be able to nail the nude look right off the international runways, it’s not going to stop us from giving it a shot. We’re going face bare by giving foundation the boot and dabbing concealer wherever necessary, being generous with mascara and glossing our lips shiny.


2) Bright Orange Lipstick is dominating:-

When it comes to lip colour, traditionally, we’ve all stuck to maroons, browns and peaches. But beauty trends across the globe are begging us to replace this with lip crayons in bright hues. Orange to be precise. As far as the colour wheel goes, it should complement our skin, it should be bold enough for day or night wear, and if and when we try it, rest assured, we don’t really need to touch the remainder of our face. So when both logic and gut agree, there’s no real reason to not give flaming lips a shot, right?

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3) Shadow and White  Liner is the new happening!

When we first spotted the white eyeshadow and liner trend, we’ll admit, it had us a bit green eyed. How could those models be wearing it, but not us? If there’s any kind of skin that can handle the dewiness of white, it’s ours. We’re planning to try this trend for our Saturday night out with a white cat eye or our Sunday morning brunch with some sheer white shadow. White lies ahead…


4) Thick Eyebrows

We could go as far as to say that thick eyebrows is our birth right but hey, it’s not like we’ve got something against our salon ladies. Embracing those stray hairs will now be totally legit and we can’t wait to get on the bandwagon with this trend. We’re waiting to grow out our eyebrows (with our history of tweezing and threading, we’re giving it four to six weeks).

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Riya Lokhande


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