4 Must Have Fashion Accessories For Every College Girls Wardrobe


When you are in college, you have to juggle between classes, internship, clubs etc. and it becomes difficult to manage your wardrobe sometimes! Here is a list of basic must have accessories for every college girl, making your wardrobe a bit sorted!

  1. Scarf: I don’t remember a day going to college without my scarf. Whether covering my face from the sun or just as an accessory, it’s always helpful and trendy at the same time. You can try out so many different scarves like printed, sheer or gigantic one’s, all so beautiful and useful.Giant Purse: Believe me, if I could have a life size purse, even that wouldn’t be enough! Every time I go bag shopping, the first thing I look for is its size, yeah that my niche! We carry almost everything possible in our bags and that too every day, so a huge purse becomes a must.

  2. Hats: I love hats. They are always so fashionable and worth having them especially during winters. They give you a very chic look and protect your ears at the same time. And when it comes to beanie white knit hat.. what can I say? It gives you a complete different look from your daily one!

  3. Tights: Tights are always so comfortable and again a must have for college girls. You can wear them under your one piece, shorts or just even printed tights under a long plain top. Why stop wearing dresses in winter because of the fear of having legs frozen, when you can wear tights and still pull it off and look alluring!

What’s the must have accessory for your wardrobe?

– Saloni Tolia.

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Smita Singh


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