4 Qualifications That Will Make You Eligible To Appear For IBPS Specialist IV Exam February 2015



The common written examination (CWE) Specialist-IV is tentatively scheduled to be conducted on February 14, 15 and 21, 2015.

Eligibility Criteria for Specialist officers:
Candidates must have degree in Graduation (B.Tech/ B.E./BCA in IT & Computer Applications) for IT Officers.

  1. Degree in Agriculture/ Animal Husbandry/ Veterinary Sciences/ Dairy Science/ Agricultural Engineering/ Pisciculture for Agriculture Field Officer.
  2. PG Degree in Hindi with English as a subject or PG Degree in Sanskrit with Hindi/ English as the subjects.
  3. Graduate Degree in Law for Law Officers, Graduate or PG Degree or Diploma in HR/ PMIR/ IR/ Social Work.
  4. Graduate or PG or PGDM in Management for Marketing Officers, Engineering Degree in Computer Sciences/ Computer Applications/ Information Technology/ Electronics & Telecommunications for IT Officer Scale II, CA for Chartered Accountants and CFA/ ICWA/ MBA/ PGDBM (Finance) for Manager Credit / Finance Executive Scale II.

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