4 Reasons Why Academics Alone Doesn’t Decide Your Abilities



“She is so smart in studies always stand first in class, you will go a long way” I’m sure you must have heard statements like these.  People always have the stereotype thinking; a person is brilliant in studies which means she is smart and has knowledge about everything in the world. Here are some reasons why I disagree that academics decides one’s abilities.

  1. Book knowledge isn’t enough for learning

Usually those people who excel in studies are in most cases book worm, they spend most of their time studying or you can say mugging up notes from their books. They are naïve about the practical world and know nothing beyond the things mentioned in their books. Book knowledge is not enough, knowing what’s happening around is important, so you cannot say the person is more capable than others only because he or she has good academic performance.

  1. May be smart but not an all rounder

There are some who are good at studies but are poor at sports, dancing, singing and other curricular activates. Such people are not all rounder’s, Having only good academic results does not show that the person is outstanding in every field.

  1. People are qualified but not educated

Nowadays is easy to just pass in academics, may be due to sheer luck or by some other wrong means. People for the sake of passing study but do not study for learning or gaining knowledge. Such people have academic qualification but do not have knowledge which is completely against people with knowledge as well as capabilities.

  1. Academics are exerted more than talent

Mostly during job interviews people who posses’ high grades but do not have any talent or experience is giving preference over those people who are talented, well educated and qualified but have less grades. In such cases academics are given more importance than talent. It’s an advantage for those who are good in their academics but what’s the point when you do not any knowledge.  Academics qualification is required but without talent and experience nothing will work out.

I truly agree that academics play an important role in person’s life. It shapes a person’s well being and his future but that does not mean you can judge a person only their academic performances. Academic qualification is essential but talent is even more essential. Just because you have been a topper all your life, it can decide your abilities or capability to do something better than those who are relatively backward.

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Daisy Pais


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