4 Reason’s Why Visiting Greece Is Next On Your Agenda!





The Panathenaic Stadium where the first Olympic Games of modern times were held in 1896 (short stop).  Pass by the Presidential Residence (ex Royal Palace) guarded by the Euzones in their colorful uniform.

The Parliament and the memorial to the Unknown Soldier, the Academy, the University, the National Library, the Constitution Square (Syntagma). On reaching Acropolis, few must visits are  Architectural Masterpiece The Propylaea, the Temple of Athena Nike, the Erechtheion, the  Parthenon and finally ‘the harmony between material and spirit’, the monument that ‘puts order in the mind’, the New acropolis museum.

>> Mykonos


An island that sits amidst the Aegan  sea. It is also known as the ‘island of wind ‘ due to wind that blows continusly  and  is considered as one of the most famous islands in the world.



A Place of thousand memoirs they say is situated on  the southern –East tip of Cyclades that also has an active volcano Caldera.

>> White Tower of Thesalonki

white tower greece

The tower, WAS once guarded the eastern end of the city’s sea walls,  attributed to Venice, to which the Byzantines ceded Thessaloniki in 1423.  the tower was constructed by the Ottomans some time after the army of Sultan Murad II captured Thessaloniki in 1430.

Until 1912, an inscription in Ottoman Turkish verse above the door dated the structure to 1535–1536 the work was SPECULATED  to be designed by the great Ottoman architect Mimar Sinan who is known to have built fortifications, including a similar tower at the Albanian port Valona in 1537.Currently The tower likely replaced an older Byzantine tower.

 What Are You Waiting For? Greece Awaits You!

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