4 Steps to Avoid Soul-Sucking Meetings


Four businesspeople in boardroom with one businessman sleeping

Meetings in corporate world have lot of importance as it is a brainstorming occasion for employees as well. But at the same time it’s quite boring as many meetings generally suck the life out of workforce. Employees waste their time by paying attention to the presentations and overviews that does not relate to his/her job function. Following are the 4 steps for not making the meetings boring, dull on unproductive:

1- Be on time.


As it is said, time is money. Follow this adage daily. You should think before conducting a meeting as useless meetings are a waste of time and money as well. According to  Bloomberg meetings can cost company between $250 and $1,100 per week. Meetings are a significant investment of time as well as resources so make sure they give a substantial return.

2- Conduct meeting for a sensible agenda.


Hold meetings if there is a special or sensible agenda to be discussed. 73% of professionals admit to doing unrelated work in meetings, according to research from Wolf Management Consultants. Ask to yourself is there a need for this meeting? How productive will this meeting prove to be? etc. Consider taking meetings only for a special or important cause as it disrupts employees workflow and this leads to procrastination. 

3- Be selective on who attends the meetings.

speaking in meetings

It is a waste of time for an HR employee if the discussion of the meeting is based on sales and marketing. Make sure you be selective on who attends the meetings. Invite people who will contribute to the discussion and bring in ideas. This way employees feel a sense of belonging and positivity. 

4- Determine whether you really need a meeting.


In a world where technology is so developed, ask yourself whether it’s really important to take meetings. Do you really need daily status updates or can it be shifted to weekly? We have Skype, email, wikis and any collaborative tools which does not make a meeting irrelevant or unimportant. I have seen people taking interviews on Skype. Use resources and other technology wisely and productively.

Professionals feel that meetings often suck to the core. People should look forward to an opportunity to collaborate with their co-workers, not dread them.  Implementing these 4 steps will generally increase your employee’s productivity and he will be more focused on work. Make your meetings different from conventional “soul-sucking” ones.

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I'm a guy who loves to learn as long as I like it. Else than that, I like to blog, play games, listen to music and make new friends. Passionate about football. My motto- "Spread happiness as it's free of cost!" :)


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