4 Stories That Makes The Classic Comedy Sequel ‘Hera Pheri-3’ An Awaited Blockbuster


Hera pheri-3 is the sequel of the ‘Hera Pheri’ Franchise. This movie has a lot of elements that unveils itself by making this movie more and more interesting. Here are these facts

1. The DOSTANA Duo

The dostana pair reunites for Hera Pheri3
The dostana pair reunites for Hera Pheri3

The pair that managed to turn themselves gay and make the audience go gay (happy) is back with the old dostana in the latest venture of the ‘Hera Pheri’ franchise. Yes, you are right its our favourite pair Abhi-John together again to set the screen on fire with their amazing and hot chemistry.

2. Not Rare Yet An AMAZING Pair (Suniel Shetty and Paresh Rawal)

hera pheri3
Although they have featured together in many movies but their magic to tickle the ribs through their roles and acts is the most amazing and its peak in Hera Pheri and Phir Hera Pheri.

3. The Akshay Kumar Story

Akshay Kumar in Hera pheri  in center
Akshay Kumar in Hera Pheri (center)

Akshay Kumar who is considered to be the King of Comedy Movies is not a part of this movies although the first two films Hera Pheri and Phir Hera Pheri are the diamonds to his Comedy-Crown.
He said, “I was not approached by the film-makers” in one eminent media news pieces while the other media news says he didn’t like the script.
Although most of the times Akki has always been immensely criticized for doing films without paying attention to the script or the story and this adds up fuel to the “didn’t like the script” statement and also he has been an integral part of this franchise and has played an important role so it is completely unexpected from the film-makers to take this step.
Hence Akshay Kumar although not being a part yet is another element that is keeping the movie floating in the sea of fan’s interest.


hera pheri3
hera pheri3

Hera Pheri-3 is the third film of the franchise whose both the films have not just captured hearts but also set a mark in the genre of Comedy which is impossible for any ordinary mediocre film to even reach somewhere close. Hera Pheri-3 is said to break the record and standard set by its two elderly films and emerge to be as one Greatest Classic Movies in Indian Cinema and shall also drive people crazy by its humor.

These elements may or may not be the truth of just RUMOURS spread like wild fire but still they manage to add the fling to this movie. The movie’s shooting is to start during March ending.

Hera Pheri cast announcement was recently done-


Paresh Rawal and Akshay Kumar
Paresh Rawal and Akshay Kumar

Hera Pheri, a classic comedy-


Phir Hera Pheri

Suniel Shetty
Suniel Shetty


Poster of the film
Poster of the film


The Poster
The Poster

Phir Hera Pheri another classic comedy-


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Shreya Karania
A first year management student from Mumbai.


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