4imprint Releases Social Innovation Blue Paper and Podcast




Social challenges and environmental problems, once seen as the exclusive work of government and nonprofit organizations, are getting a new look from the private sector as well. 4imprint’s newest Blue Paper®, podcast  discusses the corporate advantages that may accompany social innovations affecting environment, health care, education, food and energy.

According to the Blue Paper – 4imprint’s version of a white paper – successful corporate social innovators commonly possess a distinct purpose, a well-defined need and strong partnerships. In addition to examining these success factors in detail, this Blue Paper shows how companies can balance achievements in social innovation and problem-solving with profitability.

“This Blue Paper shows it’s possible for different types of organizations to play a part in solving social problems,” said Greg Ebel, vice president of sales and marketing, 4imprint. “And, the examples in the Blue Paper explain how this work may even be good for the bottom line.”

In this Blue Paper and podcast, you can expect to learn:

  • What social innovation is and the different ways companies approach it
  • How social innovation can help organizations manage risks, gain competitive advantages and improve their reputations
  • Elements necessary for successful social innovation
  • Ways a business can spark social change at home or around the globe
  • Helpful resources for organizations looking to learn about social innovation

Visit the official website of the company to read this Blue Paper


–         Navmeen Khot



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