5 Amazing Bags For The Working Mumbaikar


bags for men

Many people regularly use a extensive range of bags in the form of cloth or leather briefcases, handbags, and backpacks, and with bags made from more disposable materials such as paper or plastic being used for shopping, and to carry home groceries. Bags vary from small ones, like purses, to large ones for use in traveling like a suitcase.

We bring you a vast variety of bags every man whether in corporate or regularly should carry.

1. A briefcase is a obvious type of luggage. It is often a somewhat flat, rectangular-shaped bag with rounded/square corners, either metal, hard plastic or leather that more or less retains its shape. It has a carrying handle on one side and is used mainly for transporting clothes and other possessions during trips. It opens on hinges like a door. Suitcases lock with keys or a combination.


2. A duffel bag

The name comes from Duffel a town in Belgium where the thick cloth used to make the bag originated. More recently, a duffel bag typically refers to the specific style of bag, though the phrase may also be used to refer to any large generic holdall or a bag made of thick fabric.It is often used to carry luggage or sports equipment by people who travel in the outdoors.

duffel bag

3. A diplomatic bag is a container with certain legal protections used for carrying official correspondence or other items between a diplomatic mission and its home government or other diplomatic, consular, or otherwise official entities. The physical concept of a “diplomatic bag” is flexible. also, a diplomatic bag regularly has some form of lock and/or tamper-evident seal attached to it in order to deter interference by unauthorized third parties.

thermal bag

4. A thermal bag is a type of thermally insulated shipping container in the form of a bag which can be carried, usually made of thermally insulating materials. It is used to help maintain the temperature of its contents, keeping cold items cold, and hot items hot.


5. Satchel is a bag, often with a strap The strap is often worn so that it diagonally crosses the body, with the bag hanging on the opposite hip, rather than hanging directly down from the shoulder. They are traditionally used for carrying books The back of a satchel extends to form a flap that folds over to cover the top and fastens in the front. Unlike a briefcase a satchel is soft-sided.

– Amey Khedekar

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