5 Amazing Facts Of Nunavut Cultural Traditions You Probably Never Knew





1) Nunavut people use “Umiaq”  which means “woman’s boat” for transportation. These are large boats with more open space and is about 6-12 meters long. They would cover it with animal skin or dog sleds to travel over snowy terrain.

2) Nunavut people use animal fur to make clothing and shoes. Jackets are made from animal skin and shoes are made from caribu skin. They would sew the animal fur with animal bones and thread would be made from animal parts.

3) Nunavut people speak “Inuktitut”, one of the languages spoken by Inuit people. Nunavut means “our land” and Inuit means “the people”. They watch in the sky “Northern Lights” and try to find pictures of family members or friends dancing in another life. They believe that if you whistle at the lights, they will come and cut off your head.

4) Nunavut people is unique in Canada and they maintain their traditional way of living even in the 21st century. These people form the 25 different communities in Northern Canada.

5) Nunavut people feel that body language plays an important role in their culture. According to them, raising 2 eyebrows means “Yes” and in their language, they have no word for “Yes”.


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