5 Amazing Reasons Why You Must Plan Your Next vacation To Canada


canada wallp

“O, Canada”

We stand in awe of the land in which we live;
the beauty, the majesty,
the rugged snow-capped mountains,
the pristine lakes,
the solitude, the quietness,
the peace.

-David Ronald Bruce Peril

Known for the land of surprises Canada has it all from beautiful mountains to immaculate lakes. Every nook and corner of this country is a picture perfect affair.

>> Prince Edward Island


PRINCE Edward Island   located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, west of Cape Breton Island, north of the Nova Scotia peninsula, and east of New Brunswick .The , reddish white sand beaches, ocean coves and the famous red soil have given Prince Edward Island  .a reputation of outstanding beauty.

>> Churchill, Manitoba


Known to be the polar bear capital of the world known for its polar bears, who migrate toward the shore town of Hudson Bay in autumn .Could it get any better??Or wait they offer a safe polar bear tour where you observe them from a bus called a “tundra buggie.”

>> Cape Bretton Islands


Need a picturesque land during the day and night??The steep cliffs and dense forests overlooking the Atlantic Ocean making it a captivating experience during daytime and surreal experience at night

>> Aurora Borealis


In northern latitudes, the effect is known as the aurora borealis (or the northern lights), named after the Roman goddess of dawn, Aurora  during which the  night sky is filled with an array of colors making it a surreal experience

>> Niagara Falls [Canada]


Known to be situated on the west bank of the Niagara River in the region. The waterfall in this region is known as the Horseshoe Falls and did you know? At Niagara Falls Canada there are 12 themed vacations one can enjoy.

The land of maple would definitely be a surreal experience of picture perfect memories!

– Khyati Kotiyan

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