5 Amazing Remedies To Help You Cure Back Pain


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Back pain is fast rising in India ,with people between the age of 25-45 facing the most acute problems. People have been complaining that they cannot get out of bed due to chronic back pain .

Here are 5 remedies for Back pain:

1. Take ten basil leaves  and boil them . Let it evaporate till half,add a pinch of salt and have the liquid .

2. If you are experiencing back pain,continue movements otherwise the back might become spine . Go for small rounds around the house ,but  keep the spine moving.

3. A hot and cold compress – A hot and cold compress keeps the back from being stiff . When back muscles hurt, the pain is usually caused by inflamed tissue. Cold reduces the swelling and discomfort.

4. Use Relaxation Techniques – Research shows that practices such as meditation, deep breathing, tai chi, and yoga, which help put the mind at rest, can do wonders for the back.

5. Most importantly,try preventing back pain by keeping your face atleast a foot away from the computer and having a foot rest . Prevention is better than cure .

 – Shlohmoh Divekar



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