5 Amazing Things To Learn From The Movie “17 Again”


movie 17 again

I’m not sure whether you are familiar with this movie. I chose to write about this film because even though it’s a simple movie it has a deep meaning inside it which you may have not noticed. For all those who may have not seen the movie, this film is about a guy whose life didn’t turn out the way he wanted it to be and wishes to go back and change his fate.

17 year old, Mike O’Donnell was a great basket ball player of his college, left his dream of going to college and becoming a professional basket ball player when he finds out his girlfriend is pregnant and goes away to spend his life with her.  Now that he is 37, he realized that he had done the biggest mistake of not living for his dreams and began blaming his wife for the failure in his life.  He had no job; he was separated from his wife and kids and had nothing with him. One fine night he fell into a river and miraculously turns into 17 again. He went back with a spirit of changing all the things that went wrong with all the years. Throughout the time, he realized a lot of things that he was the one to be blamed for his sad and unsatisfied life.

Here are some things are I learnt from this movie;

  1. You cannot blame others for the failures in your life; it’s you who needs to take a charge of your life. Obstacles and distractions come your way but you need to choose what is best for you. Mike O’Donnell chose his girl before his dreams. He surely made a right decision but he failed to focus on his career. Did the girl say leave everything and come to me? Of course not, he could have still worked for his dreams and later blaming her for his failure in life was something really bad on his part.
  2. Like Mike O’Donnell you may not be lucky enough to get a second chance. Life comes only once so make the best use of it so that you may not have to regret saying “I wish I would have done this before, life would be something else by now”.
  3. Your decision decides your fate, so you need to think and chose wisely what you want in life. Mike did not give a second thought before choosing to give up on his college and his dreams which ultimately made him regret on this decisions.
  4. It is said, things done from heart turns out to be the best. Do what your heart tells you but take your brain along with it. Think not only from your heart but also your mind.
  5. Do not take impulsive decisions, no one has the right to pressurize you, take hold of your life and thoughts and decide the best for you.

Everyone has their own perspective, this is what I learnt, may be you will see something beyond my notice.  Live life to the fullest, so that you never have to regret on it. “Live freely, love truly, give selflessly and smile happily”.


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Daisy Pais


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