5 Amazing Tips From Entrepreneurs On Starting a Business!


Once that you’ve decided to become an entrepreneur, “how to start the business?” is a question which will continue to occupy your mind till you find a breakthrough! Starting your own company is no easy task, but it’s by no means impossible.

Starting a business can be challenging as you are stepping in a new domain. But with all the successful entrepreneurs out there wouldn’t it be great if you get some tips from them? Sounds great, doesn’t it?

OK so here we go:

1)    Be with the right people

Good people bring out the good in people

Always be with right people who give you the right atmosphere along with right advice or suggestion. You need people in your personal and professional life who can be outlets, mentors, advisors, and friends.

2)    Outsource you IT

Business person cartoon push OUTSOURCE button concept

IT gulps up a large cost for a growing business. Outsourcing this can help you stay more focused on your product/service and its marketing, sales, book keeping etc which are also important elements of a business. Focusing too much on your IT would cost more money and efforts until and unless you are tech-savvy.

3)    Protect your intellectual property


Patents trademark and copyrights are the best way to protect your intellectual property or your company with its technology. You should be smart and careful as there are many big companies who crush their smaller competitors under the weight of legal fees.

4)    Embrace your mistakes


Yes, hard to embrace but surely they can be stepping stone to success. You will surely make a lot of mistakes in your entrepreneur’s route. It will teach you many things which you didn’t think was important and realize things that you needed to know.

5)    Don’t buy software


With could computing today in 21st century like Google, Amazon etc, it’s always a good decision not to buy your own software. Many companies offer subscription plans and even business trails for 30 days. For a startup, buying the software can be difficult as the costs are relatively higher. However,before you commit to purchasing software, try it out in the cloud.

Now that you have received tips from entrepreneur pros, what you waiting for?? C’mon start thinking and planning in that direction. These are the main tips for a startup from people who have already made their way up. However if you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur, surely one day your tips would be right above..And inspire future startups!

– Vatsal Doshi

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I'm a guy who loves to learn as long as I like it. Else than that, I like to blog, play games, listen to music and make new friends. Passionate about football. My motto- "Spread happiness as it's free of cost!" :)


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