5 Amazing Ways to Make the Crop Top Work for Your Body


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A crop top is indeed a fashion must-have revealing parts of the midriff and making you look haute.  Though they do reveal the midriff, women with any type of figure can elegantly wear a crop top.

Here read on to select the right crop top to make it work with your body.


1) Athletic Figures

Form-fitting crop tops, or crop tank tops, are ideal for those with a slim midsection. Thus, looser crop tops suit athletic women with toned figures who want to enhance curves above the waist. They go well with high-waisted shorts or a pair of jeans. Another option is to choose tops with a print, pockets, or ruffles to create the illusion of a larger bust. Floral and lace crop tops are a good example. Finally, women with smaller busts can choose one with built-in cups for more enhancement.


2) Full Figures

Women with fuller figures should opt for tops that fit well, since smaller sizes tend to exaggerate problem areas. Stretch fabrics that expand to accommodate the body comfortably make good choices. Boxy andoversized crop tops are other options for larger women. For a slimming effect, wear a loose crop top over a tighter, full-length dress. This has the added benefit of covering up your stomach if you are uncomfortable baring it. Wearing a crop top with a matching skirt helps make your body appear taller. This approach works with both solid colours and prints, especially darker colours, for shorter ladies and those with fuller figures. A matching outfit also draws attention away from your bare stomach, and the outfit appears to be a long dress. To add even more length, pair with a matching high-waisted skirts or trousers.

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3) Larger Busts

Bustier tops work well both for women with larger busts and also for petite ladies who need a crop top that is not too long. Crop tops with a nipped waist help create a balanced figure. Pair these with bottoms featuring bold prints for added charm.

4) Short Torsos

Light crop tops, such as lace, are ideal for women with short torsos. The bright colours and softness of the fabric draw attention away from the torso and, when paired with a long sweater, make your waist appear long and lean.Turtleneck crop tops help add length to your torso, but draw attention immediately to your exposed midriff.


5) Broad Shoulders

Women with broad shoulders can draw attention towards the centre of their torso with crop tops featuring thick straps. Similarly, V-neck crop tops push shoulders to the background. Narrow body types with broad shoulders can opt for sleeveless crop tops.

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Riya Lokhande


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