5 Amazing Workwear Trends For Men


mens workwear
Workplace is full of meetings, interviews, targets, brainstorming sessions, client presentation etc. A man at workplace is too busy with all these. Men can be defined by his clothes, attrite gives a differentials him from crowd. A day at workplace is too stressful so he needs to wear which makes him comfortable. It’s mandatory to wear formals at work place except on weekends or according to company policies and rules. A men’s wear can also change according to the season.

Shirts: Shirts give 1st eye catch to you at your workplace. Avoid wearing repeating same shirt every alternate day; wear a different shirt every day. Do keep a separate shirt for meetings with clients, and presentations. The colour of your shirt should be according to your skin tonne, try using light colour shirts if you’re dark in colour. If your skin colour is fair than do go for dark colour shirts, avoid pink colour shirts as colour pink is famine colour.

2 men's workwear

Tie: Tie is a small piece of cloth which can make or spoil your look. Tie attracts attention directly. The length of tie should be according to your height. The length of the tie should not exceed then your tummy and less than your tummy. The colour of tie should be matching to your shirt.

Trousers: A pair of trousers you wear should be dark in colour as you brown, black, grey etc. Trousers should make you feel comfortable and not too tight.

Jeans:   jeans can be worn during weekends or holidays, office trips etc. Jeans gives you very informal or causal look. It makes you feel cool dude.

T-shirts: T-shirts can be worn with jeans, avoid wearing t-shirts on formal trousers. Men can wear collar or without collar t-shirts, if your neck is too long try wearing collar t-shirts. Avoid wearing sticky or tight sportive t-shirts at work place.

Jackets: jackets can be worn according to season, denim jackets can be worn during winter season or even leather jacket is good to be worn during winters and autumn.

The best thing to wear is in which a man can carry himself perfectly.

– Bhargesh Jani

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