5 Awesome Inspirational Quotes By ‘Baichung Bhutia’


Baichung Bhutia was born on 15 December 1976 in Tinkitam, Sikkim, India. He is the former Indian National football team captain. He is the first Indian to play professional football in England. He led the national football team to title triumph at the LG Cup in Vietnam in 2002. He led East Bengal club to LG Asean Club Cup football championship victory in Jakarta in 2003. He is probably the most famous and popular football player India has ever produced. He is also known as the “First Poster Boy of Indian Football”. He has been honored with Indian Player of the Year Award twice in the years 1995 and 2008. He was bestowed upon the Sikkim State Award and Arjuna Award in 1999. He has been conferred upon the Padmashree Award in 2008.

Baichung Bhutia 1 Baichung Bhutia 2 Baichung Bhutia 3 Baichung Bhutia 4 Baichung Bhutia 5


1. I am very happy to be associated with the Nike family. I will be their brand ambassador for five years. Baichung Bhutia

 2. If we really want to become a good football nation, we need to work at grass-root level, We need to open more and more academies with top facilities. Baichung Bhutia

3. But the players have carried on and they are aware that they must continue playing. The players have forgotten and everybody is enjoying the game.Baichung Bhutia

4. I did it. But at that point I did not know it was illegal and this is what I have to face. Baichung Bhutia
5. “There was a time when Kolkata was considered as the backbone of Indian football, but unfortunately in Kolkata, there is shortage of good football players in Kolkata. The counting of players who belongs from Kolkata is still decreasing.” Baichung Bhutia

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