5 Awesome Sun Hats – Every Girl will LOVE!


Now that its summer, it just gets hotter with every passing minute. The first thing you want to protect is your skin! Our best friend in the summer is our SPF (Sun Protection Factor) lotion, the one thing we definitely don’t leave our house without. In this season it gets harder to go with the fashion as on one hand you want to just get into a pair of shorts and a loose top and wrap your face with a scarf to protect it from the harsh sun whether you like it or not and on the other you want to look like a DIVA! But here’s one amazing trick to look fabulous without taking much efforts and protecting your face with a touch of fashion.

I love summer when it comes to wearing big, floppy sun hats which is so much fun to wear and they also make a fashion statement. They don’t just look stylish but even protect your delicate skin on your face from the harmful UV (Ultraviolet) Rays! Here are some Sun Hats that are unique in their own ways and look just perfect on every girl:


Multi Patterned Floppy Hat: This hat is so broad and wide that it is enough to cover your entire face from the sun rays but not that wide to make you feel you turned blind and can’t see the road anymore.


Vintage Hat: The vintage look always looks so fresh and gorgeous no matter how old is that look and adding vintage to your hats..wow, what can be more alluring? You can wear this with a crop top and a long printed skirt and mute it on the accessories.


Stripped Floppy Hat: Stripped hat with pop of neon color gives a very edgy look to your outlook. A plain black and white stripped hat is enough but when you add a color to it, it’s something different.


 Pearl Hat: As it says “Pearl”, this hat is just all white which gives you nothing less than a glamorous look. White has always been in fashion no matter how much the times have changed. It always looks elegant when you add white in any form to your attire. You can pair it with a floral blousy top and some cut off shorts.


Shade Off Hat: This hat is a nice combination of fashion and function. Who needs an SPF 30 when you have a hat like this? It looks chic and elegant when you pair a white and pink stripped hat with a white dress.

Sun hats are an essential part of the summer wardrobe which makes you look classy and protects your face from becoming a sausage! These just look fabulous on every girl. Which one is your favorite?



– By Saloni Tolia

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