5 Best And Effective Bodyweight Exercises You Can Do Anywhere


Bodyweight Exercises

Bodyweight exercise is strength training exercise without use of any machinery or equipment. It is an effective way to improve balance, flexibility and strength from legs and shoulders to chest and abs and to every body part to make it stronger. Getting fit does not need any rocket science but simple bodyweight exercises could work best for you. Why need to go to gym when you can exercise in your living room. So looking for workouts that you can do anywhere without any equipments?

 Here are 5 effective bodyweight exercises that you can do anywhere.

  1. Full Body
  • Mountain Climber- Starting on your hands and knees bring the left foot forward directly under the chest while straightening the right leg. Keep both hands on the ground and core tight, jump and switch legs. The left leg should now be extended behind the body with the right knee forward. Next reverse.
  • Burpees- Start in with a low squat position with the hands on the floor. Kick the feet back to a push-up position. Complete one push-up then immediately return the feet to the squat position. Leap up as high as possible before squatting and moving back into push-up portion of the show.


  1. Legs
  • Lunge- Stand with the hands on the hips and the feet apart. Step the right leg forward and slowly lower your body until the right knee is close to the floor at least 90 degrees then return to the starting position. Repeat the same with the other leg.
  • Squat- Stand with the feet parallel. Slowly bend the hips and knees until the thighs are at least parallel to the floor but make sure the heels don’t rise off the floor. Press through the heels to return back the starting position.


  1. Chest & Back
  • Standard Push up- Keep your shoulder-width apart and feet flexed at hip distance, tighten the core. Bend the elbows until the chest reaches the ground and then push back up. Make sure the elbows are tucked close to the body.
  • Donkey Kick- Start in with a push-up position with legs together. Tighten the core and kick both the legs into the air with the knees bent. Land gently when reversing back the starting position.


  1. Shoulders & Arms
  • Arm circles- Stand with arms extended by side’s perpendicular to the torso like that done in your P.T class in school days. Slowly make clockwise circles for 20 seconds then go for counter clockwise.
  • Boxer- Starting up with your feet apart, knees bent and keep the elbow in and extend one arm forward and the other arm back. Hug the arms back in and switch arms like you’re in a ring.


  1. Core
  • Bicycle– Lie down with your knees bent and hands behind the head. With the knees in towards the chest, bring the right elbow towards the left knee as the right leg straightens. Continue alternating sides like you’re pedalling.
  • Dynamic prone plank- Starting in a standard plank position, raise the hips as high as they can go, then lower them back down. Continue this movement for as long as possible but make sure the back stays straight and the hips do not droop.


Use these 5 effective bodyweight exercises for effective weight control.

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Daisy Pais