5 Best Countries for Stargazing!


The sky at night is a gift of Mother Nature and especially the SHOW performed by the stars is speechless. Stargazing in these countries is a heavenly experience. The best countries with open skies and open spaces are:

1. South Africa:

South africa

Because of low population density, there is less pollution and so Africa is replete with stargazing opportunities. The skies at night are cloudless in South Africa and this will give you a spectacular view. The Kruger National Park offers safari astronomy tour, while Astronomical Observatory provides fantastic stargazing at Cape Town!

2. New Zealand:

New Zealand

Much of New Zealand has no light pollution and not only this but it has an amazing observatory which offers a 360 dome theatre of Auckland Stardome. There is no shortage of stargazing in this beautiful country. A magical experience can also be found in Queenstown, where Starline Stargazing offers guests a ride in the mountains and chance to spot their favorite constellations through telescope lens.

3. Chile:


You will find the perfect combination for stargazing here- low light pollution, dry desert air and isolation in the world’s highest and driest desert, the Atacama Desert in Chile! You can have an experience of a lifetime at Hotel Elqui Domos, where the uppermost bedrooms have detachable roofs and heavenly beds for an amazing experience under the star-filled heavens.

4. Scotland:


One of the best countries in Europe for stargazing is Scotland. Why go to the Arctic Circle to catch this unbelievable phenomenon, when you can take an advantage of the celestial skies of Scottish Highlands and catch the color show?

5. The United States:


US offers many opportunities for stargazing, of which Hawaii ranks at the tip-top! The Thirty-Meter Telescope, will be available in 2018. The best stellar place in US for stargazing is the American Southwest, namely the Sonoran Desert.

Saloni Tolia.

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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