5 Best Famous Quotes Of ‘Carol Ann Duffy’


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Carol Ann Duffy is the first female, Scottish Poet Laureate in the role’s 400 year history. She has won the hearts of a very wide audience of readers and listeners by combining tenderness an toughness, humor and lyricism, unconventional attitudes and conventional forms. She was born in the Gorbals (Glasgow) on 23 December 1955. The three strong books that made her name in the Nineties blazed with voicings; with  dramatic characters, a bomber, a psychopath, an American buying Manhattan. This voicing power emerged again in The World’s Wife, along with the same sharp humour, social criticism and satire.

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Here we present 5 Best Famous Quotes Of ‘Carol Ann Duffy’ :

1. You can find poetry in your everyday life, your memory, in what people say on the bus, in the news, or just what’s in your heart.

Carol Ann Duffy

2. Like the sand and the oyster, it’s a creative irritant. In each poem, I’m trying to reveal a truth, so it can’t have a fictional beginning.

Carol Ann Duffy

3. Every day is a gift with a child, no matter what problems you have.

Carol Ann Duffy

4. It’s always good when women win things in fiction because it tends to be more male-dominated, unlike poetry, which is more equal.

Carol Ann Duffy

5. I think poetry can help children deal with the other subjects on the curriculum by enabling them to see a subject in a new way.

Carol Ann Duffy


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