5 Best Foods To Boost Your Brain Power & Help You Concentrate


Eating healthy food which is rich in vitamin, calcium, minerals help your body as well as mind. Exercise is a way to be fit but even eating can help you get the shape of your body and mind. It is important to have the healthy and fit body to work harder, look attractive and live a life more peacefully.

1) Chocolate


Eating chocolates can make your mind healthy is like hearing a good news as it is one thing that people like to eat at any age, anytime with anyone. Dark Chocolates help reduce depression as it releases a chemical in the brain which increases happiness. It also helps lower blood pressure.

2) Orange


Oranges have vitamin, calcium, fiber and all good stuff for skin, body and mental health. Orange has antioxidants which keeps mind fresh and happy.

3) Coffee


People who drink coffee have less chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease. It is always vitalizing to have a cup of coffee in the morning or during work to keep your mind focused and fresh.

4) Spinach


Spinach contains vitamin E and K and is helpful and essential for brain. Studies have found that eating leafy green vegetables is important as they are rich in vitamin which is used by body and mind.

5) Berry


Research has found that blueberries help brain fight much major brain disease like Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.


– Jainam Jhaveri


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