5 Best Hangout Spots for College Students of Mumbai.


Bunked lectures? Evening get- together? Day out? Here are the 5 best hangout spots across Mumbai where you can chill out and enjoy to your heart’s content.

Hangout spot 5: Carter’s and Bandstand.

Though they are a bit far apart from each other but nothing beats an evening at Carter’s followed by bandstand or vice-versa. Watch the setting sun along with some great food options in the vicinity and sight all the expensive cars you dream to own one day. Guys and girl’s both have an equal opportunity for bird watching [I hope you know what that means 😉 ] in Bandra. An evening out with friends can’t have a better location.

Sea Prominard at Bandstand, Bandra.
Sea Prominard at Bandstand, Bandra.

Hangout spot 4: Gorai Beach.

Mumbai has many beaches, but Gorai gets a mention here especially because it’s the cheapest party beach we have. Plan a full day or a night out here and it comes well within budget. Also, it’s become much cleaner than what it was so the ‘eww it’s so tacky’ people can also have a good time here! Ice Gola’s, bhutta’s, chat’s, chai and bhurji you can get off the stalls. Dhaba’s for proper meals and decent rooms are available so go there and have a blast.

Gorai Beach.
Gorai Beach.

Hangout spot 3: Worli Sea Face.

Go by evening and see the lights come up on the queen’s necklace or go by day and enjoy the sea. Worli Sea face is beautiful both ways. You also get a chance to photograph the sea-link and eat yummy street food when you are there. The kebabs from the opposite side of the road get a special mention, do try. You won’t realize how quickly time flies when you are with a bunch of friends at the sea face.

View from Worli Sea Face.
View from Worli Sea Face.

Hangout spot 2: National Park.

A day out at the National Park is loads and loads of fun. Rent a cycle and ride the park or walk it out, its fun both ways. There’s boating, Kanheri caves and the mini- safari. You can also explore the park or take a picnic lunch and relax in the greenery. There are monkey’s to greet you all across the park and many different species of bird’s come and greet you. It is also a photographer’s delight with all the different varieties and colors of flowers available.

National Park.
National Park.

Hangout spot 1: Gateway of India.

‘Mumbai aaye aur Gateway nai dekha, toh kya dekha?’ The Gateway of India is one of the most popular tourist destinations of our city. It’s truly beautiful to watch the Gateway in all its grandeur still standing beautifully and welcoming the city from the sea. Bang opposite is the ‘Taj’ another tourist icon especially after the 26/11 blasts, one more beautiful sight to catch. In the vicinity there is the Colaba Causeway for shopping and the area around the Gateway if explored on foot has a lot of sights and excitement in store for everyone.

Gateway of India.
Gateway of India.



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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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