5 Best Hilarious ‘Salman Khan’ Tweets Trending On Twitter



3 witnesses identify Salman Khan in a session court saying that they had seen him getting down from the car which had met an accident in Bandra on September 2002. The court is going to conduct a re-trial of this case. In the hit and run case, 1 person was killed and 4 were injured after which police booked Salman on the charge of rash and negligent driving and other charges.


  1. “Such is Salman Khan‘s star power that a cops could not resist taking pics with him before he got into his car.” Lol \m/
  2. If you hate Salman Khan for a mere accident then he deserves countless love for his uncountable great deeds
  3. I like ‘s films , but CRIME IS CRIME !! He should be punished like any other criminal !! Law is equal for everyone !!
  4. If Salman Khan goes to prison, it will be like a sequel to “Chal Mere Bhai” with him and Sanjay Dutt
  5. I don’t know abt UP’s youth but Had the US President ever lived on footpath, he would have been afraid of Salman Khan for sure


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