5 Biggest EDM Festivals In The World



Listen up, music fanatics, if you think you have seen everything of EDM after Sunburn Goa, then, think again! There are over 46 major EDM festivals all over the world; half of which, you haven’t even heard of before. Of course, electronic dance music.

1) Tomorrowland

Belgium’s most magnificent festival has harboured an undisputed reputation of the being the most looked forward to event of the year. Tomorrowland is definitely ahead in the ranks and the fact that its tickets sell out within minutes of release also reiterates the same. This EDM festival takes place in late July and brings home some of the most noted international DJs, including Armin van Buuren, Avicii, David Guetta and LMFAO.

2) Electric Daisy Carnival

Arguably the largest electronic music festival in North America, Electric Daisy Carnival sees more than 300,000 attendees on an average. Add to that, some of the biggest names in the electronic music circuit – Afrojack, Kaskade, Tiesto, David Guetta and Steve Aoki, and you get a 2-day extravaganza, which usually takes place in June through August.

3) Sensation

Diving its music into Black (niche and Hardstyle) and White (House), this event originated in Miami and is held during the first Saturday of July every year at the Amsterdam Arena and now also in Poland, Spain, Chile, USA, Austria, Germany, and many more countries. It not only brings great music to people, but also looks to create a unique atmosphere and ambiance which is a spectacle in itself.

4) Ultra Music Festival

Ultra Music is the biggest festival of the US because it also streams live coverage of the festival via YouTube thereby aiding to all those people who perhaps missed being there in person. Starting in Miami and hosting the likes of David Guetta, deadmau5 and Tiesto, Ultra is hands down the Mecca of EDM festivals.

5) Global Gathering

The event, hosted in July by a different country every year, is a 2-day gathering known for having the best line-ups thus far. The fact that Global Gathering attracted more than a quarter of a million people last year also says a lot about this festival. Popular DJ Armin van Buuren also acknowledges GG to be ‘one of the essential festivals of the world.’


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A fan of art,cinema,music and whatever is beautiful. currently a student. Creativity and innovation always draws me towards it. i am the one who reads books,hears music take pictures explore places and does whatever gives peace and pleasure and shares it .


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