5 Brilliantly Unique Online Business Ideas With Low Investment In 2014


online ideas

Want less risk and don’t wanna invest in office or infrastructure? An online business entrepreneur can have a national and even international reach without investing much time, energy and money.

Let’s have a look at the 5 ideas to have an online business :


1)      Social Media Consultant:

These days small businesses often required a person who can take care of their Facebook and Twitter accounts as they are too busy to prepare a proper social media strategy. You can help them with a social media plan, posting schedules, content for their target audience in order to increases their followers and subsequently growing their business online.


2)      Professional / Specialist in your area of interest:

Every business wants to have different set of skilled workers who can help them make profits. If you are a specialist in content creation / web designing / translator etc. you can make a living providing the companies in different fields with your freelance services. It offers flexibility and also a refreshing change in your life.


3)      Affiliate marketer:

These days websites require people to write best customer reviews and promote their products via word of mouth advertising. Companies are ready to share a portion of their profit to those individuals who can bring them business by positive promotions of the company products and maintaining good public relations of the company.


4)      Counselor / Coach:

When it comes to any industry – be it health / education / technology etc. many people are confused to decide on anything in life. They face a mental block and don’t know where to start and whom to seek advice. You can offer counseling in the field which you are aware of and help people get more knowledge and take proper decisions.


5)      Online writer / e-book Author:

With more people wanting to read quality content and spending most of their time online, you can write an e-book on your favorite subject / interest area which you can share with the public. You need not even approach a publishing company but instead self-publish it online with the help of correct effective marketing tools. You can write on anything that sells.


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