5 Controversial Tweets on #144inAmethi Trending on Twitter


Kumar Vishwas from AAP claimed that UP Police in Amethi were forcing his family to leave the constituency or forceful eviction.


Here are 5 Controversial Tweets on #144inAmethi Trending on Twitter:

1) First Ignore AAP Then Insult AAP Then intimidate AAP Then beat up AAP Then jail AAP N Then AAP WINS

2) Looks like EC is specially strict against Poets: 1. Balli Singh Cheema was Jailed. 2. for Kumar Some psychological disorder?

3) Never any news about single Volunteer or candidate of BJP trashed by Congress or vice versa. AAP being trashed everyday!

4) Super Fast FIRs on AAP .. thats d only weapon rotten administration has to halt the rising Aam Aadmi

5) Modi’s wife will not be asked by police to leave Varanasi on the eve of election….. bcoz of obvious reasons 😛


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