Kumar Vishwas from AAP claimed that UP Police in Amethi were forcing his family to leave the constituency or forceful eviction.
Here are 5 Controversial Tweets on #144inAmethi Trending on Twitter:
1)Â First Ignore AAP Then Insult AAP Then intimidate AAP Then beat up AAP Then jail AAP N Then AAP WINS #EmergencyInAmethi #144inAmethi
2)Â Looks like EC is specially strict against Poets: 1. Balli Singh Cheema was Jailed. 2. #144inAmethi for Kumar Some psychological disorder?
3)Â Never any news about single Volunteer or candidate of BJP trashed by Congress or vice versa. AAP being trashed everyday! #144inAmethi
4)Â Super Fast FIRs on AAP .. thats d only weapon rotten administration has to halt the rising Aam Aadmi #144inAmethi
5) Modi’s wife will not be asked by police to leave Varanasi on the eve of election….. bcoz of obvious reasons 😛 #144inAmethi