5 Cool Superb #NationalTechnologyDay Messages, Status Trending on Twitter, Facebook


National Technology Day

5 Cool Superb #NationalTechnologyDay Messages, Status Trending on Twitter, Facebook

  1. This #NationalTechnologyDay, meet driver entrepreneurs who leverage Uber’s technology to help you get around Mumbai.
  2. On this #NationalTechnologyDay we pledge for optimum utilization of technology for good & speedy governance & development.
  3. This #NationalTechnologyDay we’ve got another interesting question. If you could, which object would you use as a stylus on your device?
  4. On #NationalTechnologyDay, I salute the scientists & leadership behind the success of Shakti, the Pokhran nuclear test held in 1998.
  5. #NationalTechnologyDay Thanks to technology for making our lives easy. now lets try to save the earth from pollution with #technology




 (Disclaimer: The above messages are taken from social media. We do not support or endorse the same)

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