5 Countries Where You Won’t Find A Single McDonald


McDonald’s may seem to be everywhere, but there are still 105 countries without the fast food giant. Yes you read it right, Shocking isn’t it. As we know that Mc D makes it present felt wherever it goes but it seem like there are still place where it has to work a bit hard to please these Am-Not-Loving-It-Countries.


Often enough, a country’s lack of McDonald’s can be attributed to the chain’s corporate overlords, who believe there’s not enough disposable income in that country to get the population hooked on a diet of milkshakes and french fries. Other times, the lack of McDonald’s in a specific country is due to political factors.

Here is just a selection of 5 of these countries where you’ll have to make do with the local variety of fast food:


  1. Bolivia: The McDonald’s in Bolivia shuttered its doors when Evo Morales, the Bolivian President, made it known that he was definitely not McLovin’ it.



  1. Ghana: Like many African countries, Ghana’s economy may not actually be strong enough to support opening a McDonalds.



  1. Zimbabwe: More than a decade ago McDonald’s tried to set up franchises in Zimbabwe’s capital Harare, but a political storm led to a complete collapse of the economy.



  1. Bermuda: In 1999 McDonald’s tried to build its first restaurant in Bermuda, but the local population pushed back so hard that a law was passed banning all franchised restaurants in the country.



  1. Kazakhstan: The world’s largest landlocked country, located in Central Asia, is also the largest country that’s said no to having McDonald’s.





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