5 Delicious Street Delicasies of Mumbai


Mumbai is the economic capital of India and people from all over India come here for employement, education and a good lifestyle. Mumbai must be famous for many things like its industries, bollywood, festivals, sightseeing but it is not behind in food department. Mumbai is popular for many types of cuisine and in Mumbai you will find almost every popular cuisine that you ever know. But these are the 5 Food items, Mumbaikars just cannot live without.

1. Wada Pav:

Vada Pav

The most popular snack for an average middle class person in Mumbai has to be Wada Pav, from workers to college going students like to have it as a quick snack. You just can’t imagine Mumbai without Wada Pav.

2. Pav Bhaaji

pav bhaji

It was invented in Mumbai; Pav Bhaaji surely is one good cuisine that can be had as lunch, dinner or breakfast.

3. Missal Pav:

Misal Pav

A very popular item among maharashtrians, Missal Pav is also popular among other castes as it is tasty and it can fill your tummy without a doubt.

4. Frankie:


This seems to be an odd one out. But surely Frankie has become very popular among college going students and young people in Mumbai.

5. Paani Puri:


I don’t think it is something which fills my tummy but still it is a desirable food item which is popular in Mumbai. You can have a plate of paani puri if you want a quick nice taste.

Jainam Jhaveri

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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