5 Easy Simple Steps To Download Rajasthan PWD JEN Exam 2013 Admit Card


Junior Engineer (JEN) exam of Rajasthan PWD (Public Works Department) will be conducted on 9th February 2014. The admit card for JEN exam will be uploaded by 2nd February 2014 (tentatively) on its official website. 331 vacancies for the post of JEN is available and candidates are expected to follow the below steps to download their admit card:

  1. Log on to the official website of Rajasthan PWD (Public Works Department) which is www.pwd.rajasthan.gov.in
  2. Select the recent link of Rajasthan PWD admit card 2014 and click on the selected link.
  3. Enroll the Registration number/Application number or date of birth of candidate and the other required information for the downloading process of admit card.
  4. Click on the submit option but before recheck all the information you had filled for the procedure.
  5. The admit card will be in front of you in some seconds. Save it and take a print out for the further requirement.

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