5 Effective Ways To Handle Rejection In Life



“A rejection is nothing more than a necessary step in the pursuit of success.”

This quote really inspires me a lot about rejection. Rejection can be in love, in career, in job, with friends. Rejection is an important part of life. Without being rejected we would never improve ourselves. I know Rejection doesn’t feel great and sometimes it feels unfathomable but it shouldn’t be something you permit to take away happiness from your life. It is important and it’s very much okay to be rejected. It helps us in improving our abilities and makes us more appropriate as a person and as the quote says it’s a necessary step in the pursuit of success. And I do feel that we should take everything in life positively, positive people, positive thoughts, make us feel positive.

So here are few good ways through which you can easily deal with rejection:

  1. Share your thoughts.

During the phase of rejection it is very important to talk to some close person and share your heart out. Talk with someone you can trust and that someone should help you out in getting out of the phase and make you understand what went wrong. A true friend is one who is there for you at any situation and helps you to become a better person than before.

  1. Accept it.

Happiness can only exist in acceptance. I know and understand that rejections and failures are really very hard to accept but do you have any other choice rather than accepting it and moving on and improving yourself. Accepting the fact and moving on will help you to build as a good person. It’s of no use for sitting and crying over one shit again and again. This is only going to hurt you and will take you nowhere and will keep you sad all the time. So acceptance is very important, this will make you feel happy.

  1. Don’t take it very personally.

Don’t take to the personal level. It has nothing to do with you as a person. It’s simply part of life, not a personal attack. One should never take such things to the personal level rather accept the fact and try improving yourself as a person.

  1. Divert your mind.

It’s useless dwelling on to the same thing again and again but rather divert your mind, do something different and productive. Do something or learn something which will help you to get out of the situation. Don’t think about rejection more, it is only going to hurt you. Stop thinking and divert your mind, it will surely help you.

  1. Stay calm and positive.

It’s very much important to stay positive because it’s a saying that everything happens for a reason. Don’t ever let it destroy you but always use it to develop you as a great person. And always be calm about it.

So be free and accept the rejections and think that something really good will happen in future. Be happy. Don’t let anything make you feel bad.


 rejection quote

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Shritika Vardhan
hello..I am shritika a second year BMS student .