5 Excellent Ways to Maximize Your Life, Starting This Morning.



It may be a daunting task for you to wake up early in the morning. But it is rightly said that ” The way you spend your day is the way you spend your life”. The way you spend your morning hours of the day determines how you live your life and how productive that life will be. Morning hours are the best and refreshing phase of the whole day. Give yourself  time in the morning for optimal physical and mental relaxation. Here are the 5 best ways you can maximize your life, by following it every morning.

1- Choose not to “snooze”


This is going to be one of the “hardest things in life” for sure. Not just the alarm but anything you snooze, is going to turn out as a negative reaction. You lose in your first commitment to yourself and that sets a bad tone for the rest of the day. Try not to snooze or delay in anything you commit or decide.

2- Read your affirmations.


Let’s start with an example of a cute little girl Jessica whose morning affirmations went viral on the internet.

Affirmations are positive and powerful statements that motivates you. Do this every single day.  Choose to have your best morning thoughts. You can also write down your daily affirmations and goals associated on a small white board on your study table. Reading them early in the morning puts you into the right frame of mind enhancing your confidence. One example of affirmation can be “I am reborn today – yesterday does not matter. I am as good as what I learn embracing my mistakes, what I create, who I influence and what I inspire today.”

3- Open your mind by opening a book.

One of my favourite quotes.
One of my favourite quotes

Reading a book in the morning keeps your mind open and ready to learn. Individuals as well as entrepreneurs should start their day by reading, as nothing is better than learning and getting better. Try a book that’s geared to helping you solve a personal or professional challenge. It helps you adjust your mind with solving problems and enhances your thought-process. It is especially useful right before you start your day.

4- Exercise to thrive.


There are three key reasons regular exercise is a smart business strategy.

First, exercise brings oxygen to your brain, even if you exercise for only 20 minutes. Second, research shows that moderate aerobic exercise can improve your mood for up to 12 hours(that’s pretty great). Third, exercise is another great opportunity to learn. Listen to an enriching podcast, an educational audiotape or even a TED talk while you’re working out.

5- Refuel to feel optimal.


Don’t we say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Whatever you put into your body at the start of your day is essential  to how you are  going to feel for the rest of the day. Foods that are rich in nutrients are the optimum choices for breakfast. Fuelling up yourself at the start is the best way to avoid burn-out and tiredness.

Opting to such strategies prove to be beneficial for your whole day and probably whole life. Try implementing these things(atleast start with one). Self-care is essential more than you ever think!

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I'm a guy who loves to learn as long as I like it. Else than that, I like to blog, play games, listen to music and make new friends. Passionate about football. My motto- "Spread happiness as it's free of cost!" :)


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