5 Facts That You Ought to Know About ‘Praveen Togadia’


Praveen Togadia


Praveen Togadia was an RSS swayamsevak in Ahmedabad, and a colleague of Narendra Modi. He was drafted into VHP in 1983 and Modi was drafted into the BJP in 1984. The two remained colleagues during the rise of BJP to power in 1995.

Here are some of the Interesting Facts that you must know about ‘Praveen Togadia‘:

1. Praveen Togadia was born in 1956.He received a bachelor’s degree (MBBS) in medicine followed by a master’s degree (MS) in surgical oncology. He practised as a surgeon for fourteen years, and established a small hospital, Dhanvantri Hospital, in Ahmedabad.He gave up practising medicine to become more involved in Hindu activism.

Here is the image of Pravin Togadia:

praveen togadia

2. As of August 2013, Pravin Togadia had faced 19 criminal cases for making hate speeches, the maximum number of such cases for any one in the country.

Here is the image of  Pravin Togadia:


3. In April 2014, a First Information Report was registered against Pravin Togadia in Bhavnagar after an alleged hate speech instructing Hindus to evict Muslims from their neighbourhoods.

Here is the image of  Pravin Togadia:


4. Since the statements made by Pravin Togadia were in the midst of general elections, when the ‘model code of conduct’ was in force, the Election Commission directed the district administration to take action. Pravin Togadia denied having made such statements.

Here is the image of  Pravin Togadia:

Praveen Togadia 2

5. RSS spokesperson Ram Madhav said “No swayamsevak thinks on such divisive lines. They think of all people as one. One people, one nation.”However, video recordings of his speech were soon aired on television channels. Narendra Modi said on Twitter “petty statements by those claiming to be BJP’s well wishers.”In June 2014, a local court ordered the police to submit a ‘action taken’ report for the case.

Here is the image of Ram Madhav :


Here is the image of Narendra Modi:


 Hate speech by Praveen Togadia:



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Soumya Nadar


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