5 Facts That You Ought To Know About ‘TransAsia Airways’


 TransAsia Airways 

Transasia logo

TransAsia Airways is an airline based in Neihu District, Taipei, Taiwan. Though the company started its operations focusing mainly on the domestic market, it now approaches 30 scheduled international routes and focuses mainly on Southeast and Northeast Asia and cross-strait flights.

Here are some of the Interesting Facts That you must know about ‘TransAsia‘:

1. TransAsia was formed on 21 May 1951 as the first private civil airline in Taiwan flying the Taipei – Hualien – Taitung – Kaohsiung route.V Air is a subsidiary budget airline of TransAsia.

Here is the image of V Air Airline:

V Air Airline

2. Since 2006, the airline has cooperated with International SOS to serve medical flights between Mainland China and Taiwan. The airline has begun its catering service near the Taipei SongShan Airport in 1966 and officially named as TransAsia Catering Services in 2002.

Here is the image of Transasia airline – Catering Services for Economy class:


3. On February 4, 2015, TransAsia Airways Flight 235, an ATR 72-600 (B-22816), had 58 people aboard when it crash landed at 10:56 a.m. local time into the Keelung River near Taipei.

Here is the image of TransAsia Airways crash Flight No 235:

transasia plane crash

4.  Of the 58 in the TransAsia Airways Flight 235 there were 51 adults, two children and five crew members. Ten people have been rescued and dozens more are trapped, and rescuers are trying to reach them but it has been confirmed that 31 people are dead.

Here is the image Search and rescue team members operate on a TransAsia Airways Flight 235:

Flight 235

5.The Airbus A320 was the airline’s first jet.Economy class is available on all aircraft. The seats have a pitch of 30 to 32 inches and a 6-degree recline. The AVOD system is only on the Airbus A330-300, with a 9-inch monitor.

Here is the image of Transasia Airline:

transasia economy class

Transasia Airways Plane Crash In Taiwan:




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Soumya Nadar


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