5 Facts You Ought To Know About ‘Boxing Day Test’



1. Boxing Day Test  is a cricket Test match hosted in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia involving the Australian cricket team and an opposing national team which is touring Australia that summer.

2. Boxing Day Test match begins annually on Boxing Day (i.e) 26 December and is played at the Melbourne Cricket Ground.Every four years, the Boxing Day Test forms part of the 5-match Ashes series with England.

3. Over the past few years the Boxing day Test has been phased out for a One Day International and Twenty20 matches involving New Zealand and the touring opposition national team.In 1989, a One Day International was played instead of a Test match, involving Australia and Sri Lanka.

4. In New Zealand an annual Boxing Day Test Match was played at Basin Reserve in Wellington, involving the New Zealand cricket team as one of the competing sides.

5. In South Africa Boxing Day Test is often played if another national team is touring to play the South African cricket team and it is traditionally played at Sahara Stadium Kingsmead, Durban.



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Soumya Nadar


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