5 Father and Son Athletes


Some of the players out there are the best in the sports world, they followed their fathers’ footsteps and made it big in the sport their father played and this happens in almost every sport or any other industry you will find some son doing what their father used to do, follow the same profession. So here is a list of 5 Father Son Duo in Sports World.

kobe joe bryant

Joe Bryant and Kobe Bryant

Joe Bryant was a great Basketball player so is his son Kobe Bryant. Joe played for San Diego, Philadelphia, Houston while Kobe Bryant is a Los Angeles Lakers star. Kobe Bryant has become a legend of the game and the best player for LA Lakers.

Pablo-Diego Forlan

Pablo Forlan and Diego Forlan

Pablo Forlan and his son Diego Forlan are footballers who played for Uruguay. Diego Forlan even spent a short time at Manchester United, Inter Milan while his father mostly played in South America.

xabi alonso father

Miguel Alonso and Xabi Alonso

Miguel and Xabi Alonso both are midfielders. Miguel played for Real Sociedad and then joined Barcelona in 70s and 80s while Xabi Alonso played for Liverpool and now is a Real Madrid star. Both have played at world cup, with Xabi Alonso winning one for Spain.

sergio busqiets

Carles Busquets and Sergio Busquets

Carles Busquets played as a goal keeper for Barcelona, he was also part of the squad which won European Cup. Son Sergio Busquets is been an important midfielder for Barcelona and has also won European Cups, World Cup, Euro.

sunil rohan gavaskar

Sunil Gavaskar and Rohan Gavaskar

Sunil Gavaskar a legend, one of the greatest batsman to ever play the game is a well known name and his son Rohan Gavaskar did follow his father’s steps and played international cricket but never made it to his father’s level but it is a popular Father-Son duo in cricket.

– Jainam Jhaveri

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