5 Food Items That Needs To Be Avoided For Good Health


junk food

If there is anything that a human is constantly bothered about, then it is about the way he/she looks. For Men or the young guys it becomes very important or the need that they have six packs, muscles and so onto look cool and generally to impress a woman in their life or to get a woman for themselves. But Men are still okay they are not much obsessed with their figure. If there is really anyone who stops herself from everywhere, then it is a woman. A woman is bothered constantly about her beauty and her figure. You just need to tell her you have become fat, she behaves as if she has put on some 100kgs and then there she goes with the possible diet, exercise and so on.

A person goes on so much of Strict dieting that they skip their meals in the noon and sometimes just go on with one meal. It is not over; there are some who intake tablets to lose weight and then finally due to such medicines and diet the person lands in the hospital. Agreed that overweight is not good for health at the same time one got to realize that avoiding eating or killing your desires of eating won’t ever get you the shape you desire.

The perfect and the best way towards a healthy living and in order to get the perfect weight; one needs to eat healthy to stay healthy.

  1. White Bread

This is one of the foods which one should avoid completely as it has no nutritional value and moreover contains a lot of sugar due to which within no time one starts feeling hungry again.

  1. Fried Items

I don’t think there is anybody naïve about the fact that fried food is unhealthy. But even then everybody enjoys fried food. Fried food items includes french-fries, chips and food from all fast food chains. Fried Items leads to high blood pressure and high cholesterol due to which there are greater chances of heart strokes.

  1. White Rice

White Rice is similar to white bread with no nutritional value. Instead one must include Brown Rice as a side dish with meals as it contains more nutrients, fiber and keeps you fuller or a longer time. At the same time intake of quality brown rice avoids risk of cancer.

  1. Soda

One should avoid Soda or all the drinks that contains gas as it contains artificial sugar and it is not good for health. It leads to increase in weight.

  1. Soy Sauce

Avoid food that contains Soy Sauce which has good vitamins and is low in calories but has high sodium content which leads to bloating and also hypertension.


Therefore to stay fit one needs to avoid the above mentioned food. As we all know HEALTH IS THE BEST WEALTH and only way to gain wealth is by having good health.


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