5 Foods from Across the World you Must Try!


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Searching for flavourful culinary delights and sampling unique foods from around the world is definitely one of the best parts about travel. Whether it’s street-food or 5-star cuisine, finding local specialties is a highlight of our travel days! Here are some interesting and flavourful foods from around the globe :-

  1. Pita Wrap with Tzatziki in Greece :

Pita Wrap with Tzatziki in Greece

Pita wraps (gyros) are stuffed with chicken or lamb meat, french fries, onions, tomatoes, cilantro and tzatziki sauce. These make for the perfect lunch, especially when accompanied with a block of feta cheese drizzled with olive oil and oregano & bread with a plate of tzatziki sauce. Yum!

  1. Cold Noodles in China :

Cold Noodles

This was our go-to street side meal when we were living in Yangzhou. Flat egg noodles, shredded cucumber, cilantro, cubes of spongy tofu, sprouts, garlic and peanuts are all mixed together and covered in a soy and chili sauce! The perfect summer meal.

  1. Curry Laksa in Singapore :

Curry Laksa

Singapore is one of my very favorite food destinations, with its hawker stands serving up an intoxicating mix of Singaporean, Malaysian, Nonya, Indian and Chinese foods. If you enjoy spicy seafood soups, don’t miss curry laksa, made with a rich seafood and coconut broth enriched with a spice paste of chili, lemongrass, shrimp paste, tumeric and candlenut, and served with noodles, shrimp, hard boiled egg, and of course laksa leaves.

  1. Pasta Porcini in Italy :

Pasta Porcini

While you’ve likely had a decent version of this dish somewhere made with dry porcini, it’s especially wonderful made with freshly foraged porcini. A good place to find it is in Trieste or elsewhere in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region of Italy.

  1. Pad Thai in Thailand :

Pad Thai

Probably the most famous dish in the Land of Smiles, and for good reason. Rice noodles are mixed together with egg, tofu, bean sprouts, garlic, peanuts, shredded carrots, chives, fish sauce, sugar, lime juice, red chili pepper, cilantro and finally, your choice of meat! There are so many ingredients in this perfectly balanced sweet, salty and spicy meal.

– Pratiksha Trivedi

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